When it comes to learning about microneedling treatments, you’ve definitely been doing your homework.
For example, you know that microneedling is a great way to achieve a radiant, youthful glow. You may also know that acne scarring and hyperpigmentation won’t stand a chance with a recommended regimen of microneedling treatments.
However, there’s one thing you may not know: the potential downtime that comes with microneedling treatments.
*Individual results may vary
Does Microneedling Have Any Downtime?
The good news: microneedling doesn’t involve surgery or incisions, so there’s no need to take time off from work after your treatment. But it’s important to note that your skin may appear flushed and feel tender to the touch, especially in the first week following your microneedling treatment. You may also see slight swelling and bleeding. So while microneedling doesn’t have any recovery period or downtime, most clients get their treatment done closer to the weekend so they don’t have to go to work with a red or sensitive face.How to Protect Your Skin After Microneedling
- Expect that your skin may be sensitive, especially in the immediate days following your procedure. For that reason, we recommend avoiding any harsh creams or serums, especially those that contain retinol, alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acids.
- Wear sunscreen! Look for sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
- Follow your microneedling expert’s post-procedure plan, as this plan is designed to help you maximize your results as much as possible.
Am I a Good Candidate for Microneedling?
You’re a good candidate for microneedling treatments if you’re bothered by the following complexion issues:- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Hyperpigmentation
- Acne scarring
- Slightly sagging skin
- Uneven skin tone and texture
- And more
*individual results may vary
*individual results may vary
Take the Next Step
Twin Ports Dermatology has the most experienced Microneedling providers in the Northland.
Schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable Specialists at Twin Ports Dermatology in Duluth, MN. You can also call our office directly to schedule – (218) 302-1000.