Herpes and Shingles
Are you currently experiencing an outbreak of shingles and want relief ASAP?
Shingles – a form of the herpes virus – is a common yet painful skin condition that often occurs when people are older, although more young people than ever are experiencing shingles outbreaks, thanks to rising stress levels. Shingles are caused by the same herpes virus as the chickenpox; in fact, you can only get a shingles outbreak later in life if you’ve had chickenpox.
Shingles outbreaks can be immediately recognized, as they’re accompanied by bumpy, red, and blistery outbreaks that look like rashes. What makes these rashes so different is that they come hand-in-hand with significant nerve pain, which can be extremely debilitating for patients.
Common areas where shingles outbreaks occur include: Face, Back, Arms, Legs, Ribs, and More
If you suspect you have shingles, Twin Ports Dermatology can offer an emergent appointment so you can get the medication you need to treat this outbreak right away.
What Treatment Options Are Available for Shingles?
Our menu of treatment options for shingles include:
- Topical medications
- Oral medications
Our dermatology providers will work with you and develop an individualized treatment plan to ease your symptoms as soon as possible.
How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?
Our treatments can be performed in the comfort of your own home and usually take only seconds to administer.
Consultations Are Available Now
Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for your personal situation by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at Twin Ports Dermatology for an in-person consultation.
Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.
What Results Will I See?*
Your shingles outbreak can typically be treated with oral antiviral medications over one to two weeks; our topical medications can help minimize redness and itchiness. It may take several months for your shingles outbreak to disappear, as it can leave scar tissue behind.
Is There Any Downtime?
We recommend that patients with shingles avoid going to work or interacting with people who haven’t had the chickenpox for at least one week, as it’s a highly contagious virus.
*individual results may vary
*individual results may vary
Take the First Step - Request A Consultation
If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Twin Ports Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Duluth, MN office directly to schedule: 218-302-1000.
Twin Ports Dermatology serves the greater Duluth area. We’re the only locally owned private dermatology clinic & medspa in the area. f you’re ready to book a consultation or treatment, click here to schedule online.