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Vitamin B12 Energy Shots

Boost your energy and metabolism with Energy Shots.

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What are Energy Shots?

Energy Shots, also known as lipotropic injections, are powerful combinations of B vitamins and other ingredients that help your body produce new DNA and red blood cells.  Many people, especially those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet are deficient in vitamin B12.  B12 is only found in animal foods and even people who eat meat may not absorb this vitamin well through the stomach. This is where vitamin B12 Energy Shots come in.  The vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients in these injections help your body better utilize its own nutrients and renewal of cells.  As a result, you may see an increase in energy, decreased brain fog and more results from your weight loss efforts, encouraging you to keep making progress. 

How Do Energy Shots Work?

Energy Shots contain a blend of ingredients that promote fat metabolism. Unlike harmful weight loss treatments, Energy Shots provide natural ingredients your body needs. Our custom Energy Shot blend includes:

Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12)

This completely natural version of vitamin B12 is easily absorbed by the body when injected into the muscle. B12 plays a vital role in metabolic processes, and low levels can be associated with weight gain. 


This amino acid enhances digestion and helps the liver break down fats. It affects the way the body stores fat to improve weight loss. 


This compound is often found in supplements for its wellness-enhancing benefits. It also helps the body use long-chain fatty acids more effectively. 


This B vitamin is often found in skincare products due to its ability to enhance skin health. It also may boost weight loss and maintain kidney and brain health. 


This B vitamin is an important part of metabolism. Your body also needs it to make and maintain healthy skin, nerves, and red blood cells. 


This combination of B vitamins improves digestion and stimulates healthy intestinal functioning, including the metabolism of fats. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Energy Shots?

All bodies need and use B vitamins and amino acids, so Energy Shots are safe for most people. The best candidates for Energy Shots are those working to lead a healthy lifestyle. Energy Shots are not intended to produce weight loss without accompanying changes in behavior like a healthier diet and more regular exercise. We recommend a consultation to discuss whether Energy Shots can help you see the results you want. 

Consultations Are Available Now

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Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for your personal situation by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at Twin Ports Dermatology for an in-person consultation.

Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

How Long Does a Typical Energy Shot Treatment Take?

Your Energy Shot treatment takes only five to ten minutes. You can easily stop by and have the shot during your lunch break or between errands. How often you need a Energy Shot depends on your metabolism and other factors. You may have an injection every week or two, depending on your needs.

What Results Will I See with Energy Shots?

If you begin using Energy Shots as part of your healthy lifestyle plan, you may start noticing more energy, decreased brain fog and increased weight loss within a few weeks. How much weight you lose depends on factors such as:

  • Your starting weight
  • Your weight loss goals
  • Your average daily nutrition
  • Your average exercise routine
  • Your natural metabolic rate

During your consultation, we will discuss reasonable expectations and ways to maintain your results.  Many people find that they lose noticeably more weight after adding Energy Shots to their routine. Results continue to improve over time with repeated Energy Shot treatments.

Is There Any Downtime with Energy Shots?

Energy Shots require no downtime. You can return to all your usual activities immediately. Many people report an immediate boost of energy and a feeling of well-being. We use B vitamins in forms the body recognizes and easily absorbs. 


*Individual results may vary.


*individual results may vary


Take the First Step - Request A Consultation

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If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Twin Ports Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Duluth, MN office directly to schedule: 218-302-1000.

Twin Ports Dermatology serves the greater Duluth area. We’re the only locally owned private dermatology clinic & medspa in the area.

*Individual results may vary