Daxxify® for long-lasting results
You’ve heard of Botox®, but it’s time to meet Daxxify®. This injectable neurotoxin offers the same anti-aging, wrinkle-erasing benefits as Botox®, but with faster, longer-lasting results. Daxxify® can give you smooth, wrinkle-free skin with considerably more time between treatments. Learn more about this convenient injectable treatment at Twin Ports Dermatology!
What is Daxxify®?
Several new Botox® relatives have been introduced in recent years, but none have brought the significant improvements that come with Daxxify®. This new FDA-approved injectable treatment relaxes expression lines and wrinkles. Daxxify® targets the nerves that cause facial muscles to contract, letting the muscles relax. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and looks more youthful. This method works best for expression lines caused by facial movements like frowning, smiling, or squinting.
How Does Daxxify® Work?
Like its relatives, Daxxify® uses a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin to achieve its results. While the active ingredient does not change, each formulation has its own proteins that guide the neurotoxin to its target and help it bind to the nerves.
Only Daxxify® uses a small peptide instead of a larger, animal-based protein. This small peptide helps Daxxify® bind to the nerves more effectively. As a result, it can stay in place for six months or even longer. Since other neurotoxins last three to four months, Daxxify® gives you considerably more time between treatments.
Daxxify® stops the nerve from sending signals to the targeted facial muscles, calming their activity. Your injection specialist uses such tiny amounts of Daxxify® that it only affects the muscles causing your lines and wrinkles. Other muscles continue to work normally, letting you maintain your natural, expressive features. Despite being called a neurotoxin, Daxxify® has no lasting effects and does not harm your nerves or muscles in any way.
Am I a Good Candidate for Daxxify®?
Good candidates for Daxxify® want to address expression lines with longer-lasting results. Daxxify® can improve horizontal forehead lines, vertical lines between the brows, and crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes. You may be a good candidate if you want to treat these lines or keep them from developing.
Daxxify® is not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It may also not be safe for people with certain medical conditions. Those trying neurotoxin injections for the first time may want to start with a shorter-lasting one until they decide whether they like their results.
What Results Will I See with Daxxify®?
Daxxify® results start to appear very quickly, often within a day or two. Its small peptide formula helps it reach its destination quicker so it can take effect sooner. If you have had similar injectable treatments before, you will notice the difference when three or four months have passed, and your results look just as good as they did at the start. Each person responds differently to each brand of neurotoxin, so Daxxify® will not be the best choice for everyone.
Is There Any Downtime with Daxxify®?
Daxxify® injections usually take less than half an hour. You can return to your usual activities immediately after treatment. However, avoid rubbing your face for the next few hours. You might notice some spots of redness, bruising, or swelling in the injection area. These effects usually disappear within a day or two. Follow all the aftercare instructions provided by your injection specialist.
- Avoid dental work or vaccinations 2 weeks before & after.
- Avoid taking aspirin, vitamin E, garlic, alcohol, Ginko Biloba, fish oil, or any blood thinners for 5 days before treatment as these can increase the risk for bruising.
- You may have small pink spots after the injections that can last several hours.
- There is a slight chance of bruising.
- Most people will return to work immediately following the treatment.
- Wait 4 weeks after injections for any Med Spa service on the face.
*individual results may vary
*individual results may vary
Take the First Step - Request A Consultation
If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Twin Ports Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Duluth, MN office directly to schedule: 218-302-1000.
Twin Ports Dermatology serves the greater Duluth area. We’re the only locally owned private dermatology clinic & medspa in the area. f you’re ready to book a consultation or treatment, click here to schedule online.