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Dysport to Fight Stubborn Frown Lines

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If your frown lines make you appear tired or grumpy – even when you’re not! – it may be time to discover Dysport injections. At Twin Ports Dermatology, we’re proud to offer same-day appointments for clients who are ready to say goodbye to their stubborn frown lines once and for all. With a single anti-wrinkle injection, clients can look more relaxed, alert, and ready to take on the day.

How Does Dysport Work?

Dysport contains a type of botulinum toxin that works to interrupt nerve signaling between the brain and the muscle’s nerve endings. This helps to relax and soften moderate to severe frown lines, leaving clients looking much younger and rejuvenated than before.

At Twin Ports Dermatology, each Dysport anti-wrinkle injection is customized to your exact needs. Our high-quality care will leave you feeling like the A-lister you truly are!

Am I a Good Candidate for Dysport?

You’re a good candidate for Dysport if you have moderate to severe frown lines, particularly between your eyebrows.


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*Individual results may vary

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

Dysport takes about 15 minutes to administer, making this a highly convenient anti-wrinkle solution for even the busiest clients.

What Results Will I See?*

Results include minimized frown lines, leaving you looking more alert, rejuvenated, and youthful.

Is There Any Downtime?

There’s no downtime associated with Dysport injections, although you might experience minor and very temporary swelling and slight bruising at the treated site.

  • Avoid dental work or vaccinations 2 weeks before & after. 
  • Avoid taking aspirin, vitamin E, garlic, alcohol, Ginko Biloba, fish oil, or any blood thinners for 5 days before treatment as these can increase the risk for bruising.
  • You may have small pink spots after the injections that can last several hours. 
  • There is a slight chance of bruising. 
  • Most people will return to work immediately following the treatment. 
  • Wait 4 weeks after injections for any Med Spa service on the face. 


*individual results may vary



*individual results may vary


Take the First Step - Request A Consultation

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If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Twin Ports Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Duluth, MN office directly to schedule: 218-302-1000.

Twin Ports Dermatology serves the greater Duluth area. We’re the only locally owned private dermatology clinic & medspa in the area. f you’re ready to book a consultation or treatment, click here to schedule online.