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Sculptra to Minimize Deep Facial Folds

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Clients with facial volume loss, skin laxity and wrinkles, rejoice: Sculptra is here to help you get the smoother and younger-looking complexion you’ve always wanted. Sculptra uses a special proprietary formula to trigger your own production of collagen leading to enhanced facial volume, decreased wrinkles and what we call the “Sculptra glow”!

How Does Sculptra Work?

FDA-approved Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to add volume to areas where thin or lax skin gives the appearance of facial folds and wrinkles. Additionally, the patented formula stimulates collagen production for long-term results that truly stun. 

Ready to get rid of your aging loose skin? Twin Ports Dermatology offers complimentary consultations for anti-aging fillers.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sculptra?

You’re a good candidate for Sculptra if you’re bothered by the appearance of loose, lax skin, depleted facial volume, and wrinkles.


How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

Sculptra injections take between  30 to 45 minutes to perform and are targeted in various areas around the face to give you the most effective and natural results.

What Results Will I See?*

Your results – after you complete your series of treatments it may take up to 6 months to see the full result however this provides a very natural progression to your anti-aging goals.

These results usually last up to two years!

Is There Any Downtime?

There’s no downtime associated with Sculptra treatments, but you may experience some bruising, tenderness and redness at the injection site.

  • Avoid taking aspirin, vitamin E, garlic, alcohol, Ginko Biloba, fish oil, or any blood thinners for 5 days before treatment as these can increase the risk for bruising. 
  • Avoid dental work or vaccinations 2 weeks before & after treatment.
  • You may have some redness, swelling, and bruising that can last a few days post-treatment. However, most of this is mild. Most people return to work the next day and can cover most of this with makeup.  
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours. 
  • Wait 4-6 weeks after injection for any Med Spa service on the face.


*individual results may vary


Take the First Step - Request A Consultation

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If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Twin Ports Dermatology will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Duluth, MN office directly to schedule: 218-302-1000.

Twin Ports Dermatology serves the greater Duluth area. We’re the only locally owned private dermatology clinic & medspa in the area.

*Individual results may vary