Have you begun noticing thinning hair? Are you trying out every type of hair-thickening shampoo possible, only to notice mediocre results?
If that’s the case, you may be a good candidate for platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. This innovative treatment uses the power of your body’s own platelets to stimulate follicular activity that may have slowed down in recent years. Thanks to PRP therapy, patients can achieve thicker, fuller hair again – all without expensive or irritating hair-thickening shampoos.
Let’s take a closer look at how PRP helps with hair loss, including the benefits of trying a PRP hair loss treatment for yourself.
*Individual results may vary
How PRP Helps with Hair Loss
Your platelets are little powerhouses designed to stimulate tissue growth. Platelets can also be used to help stimulate follicular regrowth, especially in areas where hair thinning is beginning to occur.
PRP hair therapy is injected straight into the dermis, where hair thinning is most obvious. Once injected at the treatment site, your platelets get to work stimulating hair regrowth. To see your best results, it’s recommended that you undergo one monthly treatment for three months. You should start seeing hair growth within six to twelve months after your last treatment.
What are the Benefits of Using PRP for Hair Loss?
If you’re tired of using prescription medications or expensive shampoos to stimulate hair growth, PRP treatments could give you the relief – and the results – you’ve been looking for.
PRP for hair loss is a natural treatment because it utilizes the powers of your body’s own platelets to deliver results. That means no chemicals are used to stimulate those hair follicles, so you don’t have to worry about adding unknown ingredients into your body.
PRP for thinning hair can help you get naturally thick hair again, meaning you can shower, swim, and even pull your new hair. Additionally, there’s no need for plugs or surgery, so you can enjoy the results of your treatment without feeling self-conscious about scarring.
Schedule a visit with a Dermatology provider today to see if you are a candidate!
*individual results may vary
*individual results may vary
Take the Next Step
Want to learn more about PRP for Hair Loss?
Schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable RN Injection Specialists at Twin Ports Dermatology in Duluth, MN. You can also call our office directly to schedule – (218) 302-1000.